Li Jianjun (2017 Fellow)


The following questions are updated periodically, based on common queries received by our team.



  1. I am a citizen of one of the eligible countries but I currently live in a non-eligible country. May I apply for a grant?

    ACC will consider proposals from any applicant who meets the criteria of being EITHER a citizen OR a resident of an eligible country. However, these applications will only be competitive if they build community and further greater understanding between the U.S. and Asia, or between countries in Asia, regardless of where the applicant resides. If the applicant primarily works outside of Asia and the U.S., there is a good chance these criteria will not be met.

  2. I am now residing in Hong Kong. Can I apply for a grant to mainland China or vice versa?

    Yes, ACC will support cultural exchange between mainland China and Hong Kong SAR/Macau SAR.

  3. Am I considered a “professional” artist if I don’t make my living from my art?

    To be considered a professional artist, you must show evidence of sustained commitment to your practice, whether or not you are able to financially support yourself from your art.

  4. Are early-career or established applicants more likely to receive funding?

    ACC does not prioritize either early-career or established applicants. Most importantly, an ACC grant is not an award for previous work, and a candidate who has gained renown will not be competitive if his or her proposal does not meet ACC’s criteria for cultural engagement and impact. However, a recent graduate who has produced little work is also not likely to be competitive. Past grant recipients have ranged in age from their 20s to their 80s, and there are no age restrictions.


  1. What do you mean by “process not production”?

    Because ACC’s mission is focused on cultural exchange, grants are primarily made to support travel that results in cultural immersion; meaningful engagement; significant contributions to greater cross-cultural understanding; and peer-to-peer dialogue, relationship-building, or the exchange of knowledge. ACC does not support touring, performance, exhibition, or other types of travel focused on the production of work or audience-driven outcomes. This does not mean that you cannot have an end-goal of creating or showing new work. However, successful proposals will show a strong commitment to engaging in a process of research or discovery.

  2. What is the difference between New York Fellowship and Individual Fellowship?

    Both New York Fellowship and Individual Fellowship are open for individual artists and scholars to apply, but they differ in terms of the destination, duration and the ACC support services to be provided. The New York Fellowship is a six-month research in New York City with support services and housing arranged by ACC. The Individual Fellowship can range between one to six months, and cover cultural exchange anywhere in the US (including New York City) or Asia. Individual Fellows will be more self-directed in the research process, including arranging one’s own accommodation during the trip.

  3. I have been accepted to a studio residency program and need funding to participate. Is this eligible?

    Because studio residencies are often focused on the creation of new work and may not provide opportunities for engagement outside the studio, these types of proposals tend to be less competitive, though they are not ineligible.

  4. Is there a limit on how many countries I can visit?

    There is no limit on the number of countries you may visit on your grant, but because cultural immersion and deep engagement are priorities, proposals for short trips to a number of different countries may be less competitive. A strong case should be made for why it is necessary to visit each country to carry out the proposed project.

  5. My schedule won't allow me to travel for an extended period of time, so I would like to make multiple trips instead. Is this allowed?

    Multiple trips are not allowed except in very rare circumstances and with prior written approval from ACC. This policy is related to the priority we place on long-term, immersive exchange, and so that our funds can be used to support more individuals rather than multiple international airfares. If you believe your proposal warrants an exception, please explain the reasons in your application.

  6. My project involves collaboration with other artists. Which programs can we apply in?

    The Individual Fellowship program allows for up to two collaborators, who must apply together on a single application form. If funding is sought for more than two individuals, you may apply in the Organization and Project Grant program if you have official nonprofit/NGO status.

funding and budgets

  1. What is the average fellowship or grant award, or the range of funding available?

    There is no fixed range for fellowship and grant awards except for New York Fellowship and Graduate Scholarship. Because some destination countries are more expensive than others, and fellowships may involve travel from one to six months, funding amounts also vary accordingly.

  2. Are there suggestions for writing a proposal budget?

    For Individual Fellowship Program, and Organization and Project grants, applicants should give realistic estimations of the project costs based on research and best judgement.  Eligible expenses include accommodation, airfare, living expenses, medical insurance, and research expenses (which may include workshops, classes, residency fees, performance tickets or museum passes.

  3. Will ACC support 100% of a project budget?

    For the New York Fellowship Program, a standard budget calculation is used that is intended to cover all expenses. For Individual Fellowships, Graduate Scholarships, and Organization and Project grants, ACC generally tries to commit enough funding that the proposed activities can happen, though awards might be lower than the amount requested.

  4. I am planning to begin my project as soon as the funding period begins. If my application is successful, how soon will the grant be paid?

    After grant notification, additional time is required to administer the grant agreement and process payment requests. While applicants are free to begin their projects as early as June 1 in the year after they submitted an application, it is advisable to plan for a later start if project planning cannot take place prior to securing funding, or if the money must be received before activities can begin.

Other Questions

  1. Who should I invite to provide the reference letters?

    There is no specific qualifications or requirements on the two referees.  Generally, they should be someone who understands you and your work, and in a good position to comment on the intended plans.  Also, they should be able to comment on the significance of your work in the relevant field or context.